International Workshop on
The physics of disordered superconductors and their application to quantum circuits
Les Houches, France
5 – 9 Juner 2023
Disordered superconductors are prototypical systems for the study of quantum phase transitions or quantum localization phenomena, and, at the same time, they hold the promise of potentially ground-breaking applications for new hybrid quantum devices and qubits. The goal of this International Workshop is to gather world-experts theoreticans and experimentalists to address and elucidate the slew of new challenges that arose recently recently with the advent of innovative experimental techniques, new materials and theoretical advances.
- Cooper-pair insulators and many-body localization
- Tunnelling and noise spectroscopy
- Microwave properties of super-inductors
- Hybrid qubits for fault tolerant quantum computation.
Organizing committee
Milan Allan, Leiden University
Mikhail Feigel’man, Landau Institute For Theoretical Physics & LPMMC
Lev Ioffe, Google Quantum AI
Nicolas Roch, Institut Néel, CNRS
Benjamin Sacépé, Institut Néel, CNRS